Exhibited at 'Testimony from the Rocks'
Ann Lanntair Gallery, Stornoway, Scotland
By The Lewisian Complex - A Collaboration with Cody Lukas
Sculpture (Pegmatite and Glass)
A re-composition of geological matter from Mangersta Cliffs, (Mangurstadh) on the southwest side of the Isle of Lewis in Scotland. ONE DAY | ONE BILLION brings into question through materiality, what constitutes the essence of a rock.
When a rock is sliced open a world is revealed for the first time – a fragment of the universe sees the light of day. The work consists of two separate structures; one a piece of pegmatite (a composition of feldspar, granite and quartz) and the subsequent half, replicated in cast glass. The complex exchange between these two forms represent tensions on a planetary scale They call into question the convoluted relationship of our species with the earth.